According to Nielson, this Sunday’s Big Game is expected to draw more than 125 million viewers and most will be watching with their friends, family or whoever else attends the party. Almost everyone will be inside together, breathing the same air, touching the same food and with a quadruple health threat sweeping the nation right now, this Sunday’s game could have a devastating effect on the health of millions of Americans.
First, lets consider your proximity to other people. It doesn’t take long for people to share their germs with everyone else in the room, especially if that room isn’t well ventilated. One cough or sneeze is all it takes for a room full of people to share more than appetizers. And speaking of appetizers, all those great wings and dips, along with the main dishes on display for everyone to share can become the center of the germ spreading universe.
Next, consider what you will be drinking. Do you know that one of the fastest ways to compromise your immune system is with alcohol. Some of your most important immune system defenses, such as your Natural Killer cells, can lose 40-50% of their protection capabilities after just four drinks and it can take up 72 hours to regain their strength. Spending 4-6 hours with a room full of people, in the middle of winter with only 50% of your immune system strength is a recipe for disaster.
Finally, if attending that big-game party cant be avoided or if you simply would like to attend the party but give yourself the best chance to remain healthy through Valentines day, here are a few words of advice:
· Don’t stay up too late the night before the big game making your famous Buffalo Wings. Get plenty of sleep, at least eight hours.
· Drink plenty of water throughout the pre-game and game
· None of us want to be “that guy” at the party wearing a mask, but most illnesses are spread through the air, so keeping your distance from other party goers, as much as possible, can be helpful
· Try not to eat the food that strangers are touching
· Take something a few hours before the game that can help kick-start your immune system so its working at its full capacity throughout the game and then take it again before you go to sleep
While there are no guarantees in life, such as who will win the big game, these tips may help you remember this year’s game for what happened on the field instead of what you picked up at the party.