The Health Blog

A Balanced Diet Isn’t Enough - Part 1

A Balanced Diet Isn’t Enough - Part 1
Shouldn’t we be able to get all we need from the food we eat? In an optimal world, yes. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The fact is, the only way to get your body the nutrients it needs is by taking supplements. We are going to take the next few blogs to share the reasons why your body needs more than your grocery shopping can give it.  

Detrimental Food Preparation and Production

Even if you make good food choices, you are still in trouble. Overall food quality in the U.S. has decreased significantly for several reasons.  

Soil Quality

There is a direct relationship between the nutrient levels in soil and the plants growing in it. Studies have shown that the agricultural soil of the United States has lost over 85 percent of its minerals. Though fertilizers help by adding in nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, trace minerals are simply gone. As a result, food quality is steadily declining.  

Storage and Processing

As soon as a fruit or vegetable is picked, it begins losing its nutrients. Due to shipping infrastructures, some produce can be months old when it reaches the shelves. Fortunately, freezing produce helps save some nutrients, but it isn’t enough, and temperature fluctuations make the issue worse.  


A majority of nutrients are lost during cooking, especially in foods that contain water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C. Even steaming eliminates nutrients.   Don’t let nutrients become an issue for your body. Invest in world-class supplements from our online supplement store today!

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A Balanced Diet Isn’t Enough - Part 2