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Men’s Health Risks and What You Can Do About Them

Men’s Health Risks and What You Can Do About Them
It’s common to notice the differences between men and women, both in physical appearance and perceived behaviors. Stereotypes exist because of such perceptions and culturally rooted beliefs. For example, it’s often said that “women belong in the kitchen” because historically, caring for the home, meals, and childcare was a fulltime job. There is also a stereotype that men “don’t want to talk about feelings.” These are stereotypes that society has outgrown, yet they still persist to this day with no actual basis in fact. There is no statistical evidence to support women being in the kitchen, or that men don’t want to talk about feelings. However, there is plenty of evidence to show that men are worse about going to the doctor, both for preventative health checks and for needed care, according to the National Institutes of Health. While men aren’t great about going to the doctor, they aren’t less prone to illness and disease. In fact, there are several conditions that only men are at risk for, and ones that they are more at risk for than women are. What are these risks and what can be done to prevent them?    

Men's Health Risks

When it comes to men’s health, there are a handful of specific conditions that plague men specifically. Men can find themselves with prostate cancer, or they can struggle with the side effects of low testosterone. Both are also conditions that can be dealt with preventatively with the proper medical care. Prostate cancer is treatable in its early stages. Low testosterone can be treated with a variety of lifestyle changes or hormone supplementation with a simple doctor appointment.

Additional Health Risks for Men

In addition to those specific health conditions, men have a higher likelihood of several common medical concerns, including colon cancer and heart disease, according to MedlinePlus. Both of these conditions are also treatable if caught early on, but that means going in for regular screenings with your general practitioner.

Making Meaningful Lifestyle Changes

Outside of seeing the doctor on a regular basis—even if it’s just for a yearly physical—there are several lifestyle changes you can make to help improve your overall health. Six specific things have been noted as being beneficial for overall health.
  1. Don’t smoke: If you’ve never smoked, that’s fantastic! If you’re a current smoker, the sooner you stop, the sooner you reduce your risk of many deadly health conditions.
  2. Eat a varied diet: It’s important to eat a wide variety of foods and get enough nutrients to sustain your body. If you have a specific health concern or you struggle to eat a wide variety of foods, you may want to opt of natural health supplements to fill in the gaps.
  3. Watch your weight: Being overweight has been linked to heart disease and joint problems. Reducing your weight and maintaining a lower, healthier body weight will help to reduce your risk.
  4. Exercise regularly: You might be sick of hearing the importance of exercise, but it has long-lasting benefits for your health, no matter your age, sex, or health needs.
  5. Reduce alcohol intake: While it can be nice to have a beer or glass of wine with dinner, over indulging on alcohol can take a nasty toll on your health, so keep an eye on your overall intake.
  6. Stress less: Stress can do a real number on your body and cause problems for just about every body system. If you learn how to cope with stress better, or reduce the levels in your life, you’re going to be much better off.
The fact of the matter is that living a healthy lifestyle and utilizing educated resources can help you to live a healthier, longer, more active life. You can make small lifestyle changes to help mitigate any poor health decision you might have made in the past. It is never too late to develop healthier habits. Men, take care of yourself and get to your regular doctor’s appointments! And when you need the best natural health supplements to help you address specific health challenges, turn to the Harmony Company for your needs.
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