Apply Sunscreen Liberally
We all know how much we hated having to apply sunscreen as children. Now that you’re older, you understand how important sunscreen can be to protect your health. When you apply sunscreen, opt for a sunscreen lotion and use roughly one ounce to cover your body 15 to 20 minutes prior to going outside. Also, pick a sunscreen that is labeled as broad-spectrum. Sunscreen won’t stop your body from synthesizing vitamin D3, but it will stop both UVA and UVB rays from harming your skin. Don’t forget to reapply every 80 to 90 minutes that you’re in the sun, and more often when you’re playing in the water.
Protect Your Eyes
Obviously, you don’t want to use sunscreen on your eyes, but they are still susceptible to the sun’s rays. It’s important to protect your eyes, and the best way to do this is with sunglasses that have both UVA and UVB protection. Many contacts also have the option of including UV protection, and it’s always worth it to say yes to this option. If you don’t have sunglasses, or can’t stand wearing them, a broad-brimmed hat will do the trick in a jiffy.
Time Your Sun Exposure
The sun’s UV rays are at their strongest from 10 AM to 4 PM. If you can stay inside during this time, you’re better off. However, in order to get some vitamin D3 synthesizing in your body, try taking an early morning walk after you slather on your sunscreen.
Stick to Natural Light
Lastly, it’s important to note that while tanning beds may seem like a safer option, they are not. Never opt for a tanning bed. If you need to get a tan, try using one of the dozens of self-tanners available instead of a harmful tanning bed. Always opt for natural sunlight with the right protective gear over dangerous tanning beds.
The sun doesn’t have to be a double-edged sword if you know how to protect yourself. Just follow our tips, and you’re sure to be okay. And in the wintertime, when you’re low on vitamin D3, pick up some ImmPowerD3 to take care of your needs.