Staying alert and focused during work hours might seem like a tricky thing to do, especially for desk jobs that require their employees to stay in front of a screen for eight hours or longer. For a lot of people, an energy crash in the afternoon might seem like an inevitable occurrence decreasing their productivity and focus; however, with some natural energy boosts, this can be avoided. We collected some of the best tips on staying energized at work, including how to increase natural energy levels and maintain a healthy everyday routine--allowing you to sharpen your mind and stay on top of your workload every day.
Getting a good night’s sleep
Getting enough sleep does not necessarily mean your body and mind get the rest they need. The quality of your sleep is an important factor in ensuring you start the next day with plenty of energy to work with. Eating healthy, avoiding caffeine and alcohol during the afternoon, and sticking to a regular bedtime will all help in improving the quality of sleep you are getting.
If you have trouble falling asleep at night, it might also be a good idea to swap sleeping pills for
natural sleep supplements in order to avoid the unwanted side effects of fatigue during the morning.
Get some fresh air
If you are working remotely or commuting to work by car or public transport, your body might not be getting enough of that much-needed fresh air to allow you to wake up properly before starting your day. Being outside increases oxygen levels in your blood, allowing your mind to focus more sharply during work. So next time, consider walking or cycling to work or having ten minutes of exercise outside to get your blood oxygen levels flowing and to ensure you start working with a clearer, more focused mind.
Maintain a healthy diet
Starting your day on an empty stomach can make it harder for your body to maintain the energy levels needed to keep from dozing off at work. However, having the wrong kind of breakfast can do more harm than good, as the energy boost from a sugar-packed meal can wear off quickly, causing you to feel more fatigued than before.
Try starting the day with a protein-filled breakfast, whole grains, and vegetables high in fiber, in order to provide your body with a long-lasting energy supply. Similarly, during the day it is recommended to swap sugary snacks for more healthy alternatives, such as nuts to keep your energy levels up.
To avoid the energy crash typically happening after lunch hour, try eating smaller portions of food more frequently instead of filling yourself up at once–this way you can ensure more balanced energy levels, better digestion and overall a better health.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
You might be tired of hearing it by now, but drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Dehydration can cause fatigue, lowered mood, and a loss of concentration, which affect your overall productivity and health. Drinking enough fluids can boost your brain performance and body energy levels, making you feel more energized, happy, and focused during (and after) work hours. Drinking enough water is one of our top tips on staying energized during work.
Take a break
Studies have shown that most people lose concentration after 90 minutes, causing them to feel fatigued and lose productivity. Taking regular breaks helps the brain to unwind, relax and recharge, allowing you to get back to working with a more focused and motivated approach. If possible, during your breaks try spending some time outside to restore your energy and boost your overall mood.
Go easy on the caffeine
A cup of coffee in the morning can be beneficial in kick starting your workday, but it’s important not to go overboard with your caffeine intake. Caffeine is a stimulant that makes you feel more alert and energized, but once the effects wear off, it can lead to an energy crash.
Next time, instead of consuming several cups of coffee throughout the day to avoid feeling run down, try drinking green or black tea to keep your energy levels balanced. Tea has slightly lower levels of caffeine, but it gets absorbed more slowly, giving you a more soothing boost, without the jitters.
Author Bio
Timi is a content creator and she likes to maintain a healthy lifestyle, therefore she teamed up with
BuyRope to put together this piece of content with tips on staying energized during work.