Each spring, you may feel a bit of dread when buds begin to blossom and the grass starts to green once again. It’s that time of year, time for seasonal allergies to kick into high gear. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, the odds are that you aren’t a fan of spring time. The more you understand your allergies and what you can do about them, the better prepared you will be each spring when trees and flowers start to reproduce. Perhaps you don’t just suffer from seasonal allergies and you struggle with indoor allergens. The same can be said for indoor allergens; the better equipped you are to handle them, the better you will feel. Here at the Harmony Company, we know how much your health and immune system can be influenced by your allergies, and how important it is to address them. Understanding your allergies and providing your body with the proper immune support can help you to live a healthier, fuller life.
Allergies and Your Immune System
The first part of taking control of your health is having the knowledge to understand the condition that you’re dealing with. Allergies are complex and can be difficult to figure out, but taking the time to understand them and what specifically affects you can make a huge difference in your quality of life.
An allergic reaction is a response from your immune system to what your body perceives as a threat or invader. Once a foreign substance enters your body in some way, even if it just touches your skin, your body responds by creating immunoglobulin E.
Immunoglobulin E is a specially tailored antibody. These antibodies are released by the immune system in order to bind with the specific allergen. If you’re allergic to tree pollen and some enters your nose, immunoglobulin E specifically for the species of tree pollen that is causing problems will be released to track down and capture the irritant.
Once immunoglobulin E is released, your body will then go into production of substances intended to rid your body of the allergen. Mast cells closest to the location of the allergen will explode, releasing histamines. These histamines will cause a reaction with the goal of ridding the allergen from your system. Typical reactions can include rashes, itching, sneezing, and watery eyes, to name a few. So in turn, these reactions are simply an immune response where the body is trying to rid itself of a substance that it has decided is foreign.
Indoor Allergies and What to Do About Them
Indoor allergies can include a wide variety of substances that are commonly found in your home. Often, we think of indoor allergies as pets, dust, mold, and dust mites. These allergens can be constantly present no matter the time of year and can often be hard to address. Some of the easiest ways to make sure that you aren’t constantly afflicted by indoor allergies is to keep your indoor space clean. This often means making sure to dust and vacuum at least once a week. If you get reactions to pets, making sure they stay well groomed is an important way to mitigate a reaction. If you have exceptionally strong reactions to any common indoor allergens, allergy shots may be one way to help retrain your immune system not to react to specific substances.
Outdoor Allergies On the Rise
Outdoor allergies plague a large percentage of the population and can cause the exact same allergic responses as indoor allergies. These responses can be triggered by anything from cut grass to one specific type of weed in bloom, depending on your immune system. However, it is understood that outdoor allergies tend to be seasonal, whereas indoor allergies are not.
Unfortunately for most people, outdoor seasonal allergies are on the rise. They’re starting earlier each year and staying around longer. According to Scientific American, the generally warmer winters are increasing oak pollen production, which is an aggressive allergen for many people. This in turn, causes more allergic reactions and cases of asthma that must be treated at the emergency room. It might be a little easier to avoid these seasonal allergies if you could simply avoid going outside during the spring. Unfortunately, that’s not how life works.
Protecting Yourself from Seasonal Allergies
Because allergies are an immune system reaction against a specific substance, there are ways to improve and retrain your immune system in order to reduce your allergic reactions. The first part to this is making sure your immune system has the proper support and is as healthy as it possibly can be. You also have the option to take antihistamines regularly, or just during your time of greatest need with seasonal allergies.
Along with improving your immune system, you can also work to retrain your immune system’s response to some allergens. With the help of a trained medical professional, you can work to reintroduce allergens into your system so that your immune system learns to tolerate the allergen. Unfortunately, even if your immune system learns to tolerate the allergen, you won’t be able to stop treatment without relapsing. However, while you are being treated and during your maintenance treatments, you will probably feel a lot better.
In order to be able to manage your allergies, it’s important to make sure your immune system is as strong as possible. Let ImmPower, manufactured by American BioSciences, help you in your quest to improve your immune system and live a healthy, happy life. Shop with the Harmony Company today for your immune support supplements.