- Eating a healthy diet.
- Maintaining a healthy weight.
- Getting enough physical activity.
- Not smoking or using other forms of tobacco.
- Limiting alcohol use.
The Health Blog
Live a Heart Healthy Lifestyle!
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “about 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year.” Heart Disease accounts for roughly 25 percent of American deaths every year, and what’s most disheartening is that many of those deaths could be prevented with a handful of lifestyle changes that have been shown to reduce risk factors for heart disease in both men and women. By following some simple lifestyle changes and sticking to the following tips for healthy living, you’ll be setting yourself up for a heart healthy lifestyle that can truly make a difference.
“By living a healthy lifestyle, you can help keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar normal and lower your risk for heart disease and heart attack,” notes the CDC. Research has narrowed down the five most effective ways, specifically recommended by the CDC, to live a heart healthy lifestyle:
As we’ve talked about on many occasions, what you eat is exceptionally important for your health. Between providing you with the right vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy, eating the right things can help to protect your from heart disease. A diet low in saturated and trans fats, as well as low in cholesterol, is ideal to live a heart healthy lifestyle. Choose fresh foods over processed food products and cut back on the amounts of both salt and sugar in your diet.
Maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) is exceptionally important in lowering your risk for heart disease. Most BMI calculations are based solely on height and weight, but a good doctor will look at the whole picture, including muscle mass, waist measurements, and hydration levels to get a good picture of your overall health.
Along with eating healthy foods, exercise is key in helping to keep your arteries clear of any additional plaque buildup — moderate-intensity is critical. Anything that can help you get your heart rate up for an extended period of time is the best kind of exercise. It’s recommended that adults get at least two and a half hours of heart-rate elevating exercise a week, whether in the form of fast walking, bicycling, or swimming. That’s only 20 minutes of exercise a day. Children need even more exercise to start them off on the right path with roughly a full hour of exercise a day.
Smoking has been shown to heavily affect the pulmonary system and decrease blood flow due to restricted blood vessels. Obviously the best option is to never smoke or use tobacco products, but if you do, you should quit. Smoking greatly increases your risk levels and making the effort to quit can greatly improve and prolong your life.
Alcohol can raise your blood pressure if consumed in excess. Both men and women can benefit from being careful about how many alcoholic beverages they consume daily. For women, it’s recommended that you consume zero or only one alcoholic beverage a day, and for men, it’s recommended that you consume no more than two alcoholic beverages a day in order to live a heart healthy lifestyle.
By living a heart healthy lifestyle, you can greatly reduce your risk factors associated with heart disease, the number one killer of Americans annually. CHOLESTSolve 24/7, found online with the Harmony Company, is a heart-healthy supplement made with plant sterols. This particular ingredient has been evaluated by the FDA and they have found that incorporating 800 mgs or more of phytosterols into your diet daily may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Shop online today!